Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fashion shopping tips for you.

  1. Spend money on great shoes because they can make or break an outfit. You can even wear them with jeans and look fabulous!
  2. Buy items that fit your lifestyle. If you know you are going to live in your jeans then it is ok to spend 30 thousand naira a pair especially if you had to try on dozens to find the right fit. Buy clothes to suit your lifestyle.
  3. Spend money on staples on shoes, bags, a cashmere sweater, a black pair of pants and skimp on belts, socks, trendy tops, scarves, hats and sunglasses.
  4. .
  5. Before you shop know what you own. Make a point to go through your closet at the beginning of every season.
  6. Invest in undergarments because the right foundation garments can make everything you own look better

The biggest fashion shopping mistakes.

  1. Don't talk yourself into an outfit that isn't flattering to your frame. There are only two kinds of clothes in this world. Clothes that flatter you and clothes that don't and avoid the latter regardless of how popular and trendy they are.
  2. It is one thing to go shopping with your girlfriends because that can be very social and enjoyable but keep in mind don't shop with a competitive friend because she will cajole you into buying more and possibly unflattering items weather or not you need it.
  3. If you are shopping for a cocktail (event) dress remember to bring your shoes. That way if you need to have in-store alterations you will be all set
  4. .
  5. If you need to power shop remember to bring a list. This can help focus your attention and keep you on task.
  6. Nothing good will come from buying uncomfortable shoes regardless of how fabulous they are.
  7. Don't buy something you don't need because it is a fantastic sale price. I know we have all done this but it is a waste of money and closet space.
  8. Don't buy on impulse. Ask yourself the following questions when deciding if to buy. Do I need this? Does it fit with my lifestyle or wardrobe? Where am I going to wear this? If you are still undecided then put it on hold and if you are still thinking about it at the end of the day -buy it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Have you been Thinking about What to wear on afirst date?

Whether you’re setting out on a nerves-filled first date, celebrating a seriously romantic occasion or landing anywhere else on the wild ‘n’ wonderful dating timeline, these date outfit ideas will put an end to that.
1. On a first date you can wear a cute off-the-shoulder sweater and a pair of cute jeans -- modest enough that you don't look trashy, but sexy enough to get his attention!  2. You can always dress up just to show the guy that you can clean up. it can be all about jeans with a pair of stiletto pumps. But if I don't know where we're going, I always bring a pair of sneakers -- that go along with youroutfit, of course.
3. You can always try to find a piece that might spark his interest, like a band tee, a shirt with a lot of good stories behind it, or a handmade necklace. This might start a conversation about your life and then maybe you can get into a real conversation and not just have small talk all night. 
4. Wearing a bright-colored shirt always makes you stand out. If other guys are checking you out on your date, you better bet your date will notice. It will make them feel more attracted and want you even more! 
5.You can  wear something you feel comfortable and confident in, like fitted jeans, a cute blouse, simple jewelry, and makeup. If you don't feel comfortable and confident, it will show and he will know!
6. The one thing that always makes most ladies feel confident on a date is nice undies. Even though he's not going to see them, at least I feel beautiful everywhere, not just on the outside. 
7.You can  wear the prettiest jewelry you own, so that you can look like a princess and feel like one too
I believe that in every boy's eyes, pink always looks good on girls. The shade of pink is also good.

These tips might help you outta............Gud luck!!!

Rainy season tips

Fashion Tips for Rainy Season

Though rainy season is enjoyed by everyone, but getting drenched in the rain may not be a very pleasant experience for most people. You would want to just sit back at home with a cup of coffee and enjoy the rain. However this is not always possible. Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages....

One major disadvantage during this season is the clothes. You need to take extra care of what you wear as clothes get spoiled very easily. Raincoats and umbrellas are a saving grace but the main idea is to look chic and fashionable for the season.

A Few Fashion Tips to Help You --:

Boots :-- During rainy season it is best to say good bye to your favorite pair of heels and sandals. You can rather go for boots or flip-flops. Leather and suede shoes are a big certian. You may just not be able to save them from the rains.

Bare Essentials :-- Carrying a few essentials is very important, especially during rainy season. You wouldn’t want your outfit to get ruined by mud and puddle. Make sure you carry a raincoat or an umbrella to protect yourself.

Bright Colors :-- Dig into your wardrobe for bright colored clothes. It’s always good to wear bright clothes as they uplift your spirit. Dark clouds would make you feel low and gloomy, therefore do not allow this to dominate you.

Bags :-- Make sure that you carry a big plastic bag during rainy season to keep your raincoat or umbrella. Plastic bags have also come into use, just incase you want to carry your leather shoes so that you can change whenever you step out. Since plastic is waterproof you can be rest assured that you wouldn’t get stranded in the rain without carrying one.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Stars celebrate as louis vuitton express pulls to shangai.

Stars celebrated the launch of the first loiu vuitton store in shangai, which was followed by a grand fashion show, featuring the loius vuitton evpress's team mate.
   Tv presenter and model alexa chung was top of the guest list for the fashion show, to which she was seen accessorising with aleopard-print beret.

There are a lot of different design styles and approaches that are used by different people but, generally photography and product/model images play a large role.
Here, is my week best dressed!!
Victoria beckham in L.A
Do you know that attractive appearnce can make someone more appealing?
  When it comes to fashion everything matters so all the details are very well designed. this rule is also appllied to every fashion websites or blogs, where inconentional is a must.
Hey guys!!
   Do you guys know that appearance is crucial for obvious reasons in the fashion industry.with that in mind, many fashion e-commerce sites can be an excellent sorces of design inspiration.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Aim at developing fashion both home and abroad

 Hey!readers i think it is time for me to tell you what we are gonna be discussing here.
But first,lets get it straight to ourselves what is fashion,where does it comes from,how can we know it.
luckily for my friends here i will be discussing about fashion tips, offers, products.
  meet me at the next dialogue.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012